Mission Statement
BVRS aims to provide world class surgery and excellence in patient care to the pets and their families of Canberra and surrounding areas. We strive to provide a collaborative specialist service to the primary care veterinarians of this region, fostering a wholistic team approach to patient care.
Why Choose BVRS?
Our enthusiastic team is focused on our role in making a meaningful impact on their lives of our patients. We value the choice you have in trusting us with your furry family member. We are purposefully a small team to ensure a personalised service with continuity of care throughout your pets stay in our care.
For Pet Owners
If your primary care veterinarian is Kippax Veterinary Hospital, Kaleen Veterinary Hospital, Queanbeyan Veterinary Hospital, Jerrabombera Veterinary Hospital, Manuka Veterinary Hospital, Molongolo Veterinary Hospital, Weston Woden Veterinary Hospital or Googong Veterinary Hospital then you don’t require any additional referral prior to your appointment with BVRS, as our computer system is linked to your pet’s patient record and electronic referral will be received.
If your primary care veterinarian is not listed above then a referral form and history information is required prior to your appointment. This will usually be emailed from your veterinarian to info@bvrs.com.au.
Although we are situated within the Kippax Veterinary Hospital building, we are an independent business. Your pet will be able to access our specialist services and return to your usual primary care veterinarian for all your ongoing health care needs.
It is important to note; that we have our own reception team, so when you arrive at the Kippax Veterinary Hospital building, please phone our number 0423 939 440 to let our team know you are onsite.